
Brighten up any room with a bouquet of flowers in our beautiful personalised ceramic vases and glass vases. Perfect for all occasions, from birthdays to anniversaries, to elevate your floral gift to the next level.


Personalised Vases

Our personalised vases look great on a mantlepiece or bedside table and are great for displaying freshly picked flowers from the garden. With infinite personalisation options from Nessie's birth flowers to gorgeous star sign illustrations and the option of a glass or ceramic vase, you can create a fabulous gift for someone special.

Personalised Gifts Made in the UK

We understand how important it is to find the perfect gift for those special occasions such as birthdays, housewarmings, baby showers, weddings and anniversaries. From personalised candles making perfect gifts for her, family prints, personalised glasses and even cocktails we have something to suit everyone's needs!

Nessie designs go perfectly on these cut flower vases. Great on a mantlepiece or bedside table and with infinite personalisation options, these make fabulous presents for someone special in your life.