Tote Bags

Our bags are designed to make everyone happy. They make you happy because they are beautifully illustrated, personalised bags and they make the planet happy because they are not made from plastic. All you have to do is remember to take them shopping!


Personalised Tote Bags

We understand how important it is to find the right gift for the many occasions that happen throughout the year which is why we have personalised tote bags for multiple occasions including birthday giftsback to school gifts, back to uni gifts and loads more! We are sure that whatever occasion you are searching for, we will be able to help!

Custom Bags Made in the UK

Our personalised bags are all environmentally friendly because they are not made from plastics, in fact, all bags are made from 100% cotton or cotton canvas except for our jute bags that are woven from natural plant stem fibres. 

We offer a range of different personalised bags from jute bagsto make up bags and wash bags meaning we have something for everyone! Every design on our bags has been hand-painted by Nessie which is then personalised by you making your bag unique to you - no two are the same!